Swiss Expat Story: Tamar in Jerusalem, Israel
by MySwissWorld & Swiss Food Box Team

We welcome you to our newest interview in our weekly series. Here we interview each week somebody from the community and learn a bit more about their lives. This week, from Jerusalem, Israel: 🇮🇱
Tamar Ascher, originally from America (American mother and a Swiss father), has been living in Jerusalem, Israel for thepast few years. A teacher trainer and educational advisor for both regular and special education, she has a specialconnection to Switzerland, where she spent the 13 years of her youth. Despite missing her family and the beautiful landscapes of her childhood home, Tamar loves the weather in Israel and the feeling of contributing to the country. She hopes to continue to visit Switzerland often for her family living there.
What is your name and where are you living now?
My name is Tamar Ascher and I live in Jerusalem, Israel. I am a teacher trainer and educational advisor for early childhood educators in regular and special education.
What is your connection to Switzerland? Have you been born there, or do you have some roots in Switzerland?
I was born in America, to an American mother and a Swiss father. When I was five we moved to Zurich, where I grew up until the age of 18. After my Matura I left for University in the States.
What is the thing that you miss about Switzerland the most?
I miss my parents! I also miss being in a place with a perfect public transportation system... Swiss chocolate and Thomy Mayonnaise I can buy here too ;)
What do you think is better or do you like more in your new country?
I moved to Israel for Zionist reasons, wanting to contribute to a country that I think is important not just for Jews but for the Middle East. I love the landscapes and the history in the cities, I love the weather and of course I love my friends and family.
But I miss the seasons, the beautiful landscapes of Switzerland, and the feeling of peace and quiet that I connect with when visiting.
Do you have any plans of returning soon? For vacations or permanently.
I hope to continue to visit Switzerland often. My brother lives there and I miss him too!