Où vivez-vous maintenant, vous les Swiss Exapts ?
par MySwissWorld & Swiss Food Box Team

This week we asked on our Facebook Page the following: Where do you live now? And how many years ago did you leave Switzerland for your adventure abroad? 🇨🇭😄
Thank you for all the answers! We can’t list all of them here. But you can find them on our Facebook Page here.
Here are some of your messages:
- Wendy Patrick: Moved from Rolle VD in 1995 to ilkley in the uk
- Simone Härri: I left for Canada in 2008. Was only supposed to stay here for two years to do research...Still here. Close to Toronto. Currently enjoying amazing fall colours.
- Oliver Wagner: Moved to the states in 1994 and ended up in Texas
- Irene Artho: I moved from close to Lucerne to Oxford in 2007, and I live in beautiful Epsom Surrey now.
- Rosina Wirz: In 2007 I moved from Bern, to Western Australia as an early retiree at the age of 57. 🦘🦘🦘
- Ursula Maria Baroi: I left Bern in 1970 for London now leave in Billericay Essex England 🇬🇧 😑
- Serena Bonomi: I moved 4 years ago to Vancouver, Canada.
Do you want to share with us a bit about your history? Please let us know, we would love to introduce you in our next week’s newsletter. 😄